To Minimize Legal Battles Over IEEs, Focus on Communicating with Parents


Another day, another stack of paperwork finds its way onto the desk of a special education administrator. Since districts resumed full-time in-person learning this school year, they have been inundated with requests from parents for outside professionals to evaluate their child in connection with special education services. The reasons are unclear, but one theory is that parents may be motivated by concerns over COVID-related learning loss. Another theory is that parents see no downside to asking for an outside evaluation.

In response to such parental requests, the law requires the district either to pay for an Independent Educational Evaluation (IEE) or immediately commence an impartial hearing to defend its own evaluation.

This article will review the purpose of IEEs and make recommendations for school districts to work effectively with parents and manage the IEE process. Click here to read the full article.

Author: Tyleana K. Venable