Lawrence J. Tenenbaum Presents at New York State School Boards Association Winter Law Conference

Lawrence Tenenbaum, a partner at Jaspan Schlesinger LLP, appeared as a speaker at the New York State School Boards Association Winter Law Conference on January 10.  The Conference was titled Understanding Workplace Discrimination. Guests included school board members, administrators and attorneys.

Mr. Tenenbaum’s portion of the conference covered an overview of the various federal and state laws prohibiting discrimination in the workplace. He also discussed a school district’s rights and responsibilities and the steps that school board and staff members can take to avoid liability.

Mr. Tenenbaum is a partner in Jaspan Schlesinger’s Education, Labor and Municipal Law practice groups, where he provides general counsel and labor and employment counsel services to public school districts, libraries and other municipal and private entities.

He is a past President of the New York State Association of School Attorneys. Prior to his term as President, he served as a Director of the Association. Mr. Tenenbaum is a member of the American, New York State and Nassau County bar associations.

Mr. Tenenbaum received his Juris Doctor from Brooklyn Law School, and his Bachelor of Science from the New York University College of Business and Public Administration (now the Leonard N. Stern School of Business).