Jaspan Schlesinger Successful on Motion to Dismiss

Jaspan Schlesinger was successful on a motion to dismiss a complaint brought against the Town of Brookhaven and several of its employees alleging equal protection violations arising from alleged intentional delay in the issuance of wetlands permits to a property owner in the Fire Island Pines.  As reported in the New York Law Journal on February 28, 2012, the decision by the Federal District Court Judge Joseph F. Bianco in Lewis v. Carrano 10-CV-5245 found that the property owner’s constitutional claims were unripe under the two-pronged test established by the U.S. Supreme Court in Williamson County Reg’l Planning Comm. v. Hamilton Bank 473 U.S. 172 (1985).

Jaspan Schlesinger LLP partner Maureen Liccione represented the Town of Brookhaven and its employees before the Federal District Court.